AHDig: Association for the Digital Humanities in Portuguese

AHDig – Associação das Humanidades Digitais – is a network of scholars connected by the Portuguese language and by the inclusion of the digital perspective in the horizon of their research.

Our main objective is to strengthen Digital Humanities initiatives already in course and to and foster the appearance of new projects and initiatives in this field within the Portuguese-speaking universe. This is a forum where these researchers can debate and share their experiences, weaving networks within this particular cultural and linguistic sphere, that may lead to collaborative work – and strengthen, in the global context, the visibility of Digital Humanities projects conducted in Portuguese.

Portuguese is spoken by 244 million people in the five continents – it is in effect the fourth most prevalent of world’s language, after Mandarin, Spanish and English, and the fifth most used language in the World Wide Web, with 88 million users. AHDig was founded by Portuguese and Brazilian researchers from different disciplines within the humanities on October 25th 2013, and wishes to welcome new participants from any part of the world who speak or conduct research in Portuguese, or who are interested in studying the multiple spheres of cultural expression in this language.


Screenshot 2013-11-01 07.52.12 “How do I say this? ” – The word “Associação“, in “Associação das Humanidades Digitais (which means Digital Humanities Association, in Portuguese), is pronounced [asosiasãu] – the nasal diphtong  in the end is a characteristic sound in the Portuguese language. There is a very helpful tutorial on how to pronounce the nasal diphtong here.

[i] Numbers from http://www.cplp.org/; see also map in http://www.observatorio-lp.sapo.pt/pt and comments on http://www.publico.pt/cultura/noticia/ha-244-milhoes-de-falantes-de-portugues-em-todo-o-mundo

[ii] Numbers from http://expresso.sapo.pt/a-lingua-portuguesa-na-web=f767518

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